Time management techniques for the IELTS test When you take IELTS, how you use your time can play an important part in your success. Learn effective ways to demonstrate your skills in our four-part guide, which covers each section of the IELTS test. If you’re preparing for IELTS and wondering how you’ll manage your time, you’re in the right place. Keep reading for practical tips to help you master your time on test day. Listening Section • Preview questions: Use the time given to preview the questions before the audio starts. This will help you know what to listen for. • Stay focused: Concentrate fully on the audio. Avoid getting stuck on one question; if you miss an answer, move on or else you may miss the next ones too. Reading Section • Allocate time per passage: Divide your time equally among the three passages. Stick to this timing to ensure you can attempt all questions. • Skim and scan: Skim the passage to get the gist, then scan for specific information to answer the questions. This is faster than reading every word in detail. • Answer strategically: Tackle easier questions first to secure those points, then return to the more challenging ones. Writing Section • Divide your time: Spend about 20 minutes on Task 1 and 40 minutes on Task 2. Task 2 carries more weight, so allocate more time accordingly. • Plan your answer: Spend a few minutes planning your response before you start writing. Outline the main points you want to include in your writing. • Leave Time for Review: Reserve the last few minutes to review and proof-read your answers for any grammatical or spelling errors. Speaking Section • Use Preparation Time Wisely: For Part 2, you will have one minute to prepare. Write down a few key points to structure your response. • Pace Yourself: Speak clearly and at a moderate pace. Don’t rush through your answers; it’s better to provide thoughtful responses.

Aug 1, 2024 - 16:02